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Integrative Psychotherapy

Integrative psychotherapy is a systematic approach to treatment in which two or more models of treatment are combined, the synthesis of which is hoped to provide an improvement in treatment efficacy and/or effectiveness. Principally, three approaches to the patient and his or her treatment have been incorporated; these include:

(a) psycodynamic conceptualization and treatment,
(b) cognitive-behavioral therapy, and
(c) couple & family systems therapy.

In addition, there is also an emphasis upon the common factors that exist among diverse approaches to treatment, including various "non-specific factors" such as compassion and the arousal of hope; the facilitative factors of empathy, genuineness, and positive regard; the criticality of the therapeutic alliance; and, the clinical dilemmas that arise for psychotherapists in all approaches to treatment.

Training Programs in Integrative Psychotherapy


  • Individual clinical supervision provided selected psychiatry residents and psychology interns
  • Monthly case consultation and study group offered in examining clinical dilemmas in integrative psychotherapy


  • Fee-based consultation and workshops to agencies and individuals who wish to incorporate an integrative psychotherapy perspective into their clinical practice.


  • Roger Greenberg, Ph.D.
  • John Manring, M.D.
  • John Norcross, Ph.D.
  • Douglas J. Scaturo, Ph.D.


Scaturo DJ. (1994). Integrative psychotherapy for panic disorder and agoraphobia in clinical practice. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 4, 253-272.

Scaturo DJ. (2001). The evolution of psychotherapy and the concept of manualization: An integrative perspective. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 32, 522-530.

Scaturo DJ. (2005). Clinical dilemmas in psychotherapy: A transtheoretical approach to psychotherapy integration. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
