
Career and Professional Development



As you've probably figured out by now, "being a physician" is not a specific enough career goal; there are specialties to choose from, and then sub-specialties of the specialties. So how do you choose what's right for you? Many times your clerkship experiences will help you decide, 但做一些自我反思,真正考虑什么是对你来说是正确的道路也很重要. 

Start by gathering information about different specialties. 你最喜欢什么? 为什么? What are the requirements to enter that field? What kinds of experiences will set you up for success? 你能跟住院医生和医生谈谈他们的经历以及他们是如何选择自己的专业的吗? 的 links below can help you begin exploring, 但是,面对面的观察和信息访谈对于做出正确的决策也至关重要.


Understanding - and articulating - your own motivators, 兴趣和价值观在做出坚实的职业决定中起着重要作用. 与你独特的“你”相匹配的特长会给你带来更多的职业满意度和成功. 

Some things will just appeal to you more than others. 你对在手术中使用电动工具的前景更兴奋吗, 或者你在初级保健中与病人建立的长期关系? Are you fascinated by research and analyzing findings, or energized by the idea of a high-pressure emergency department? 你是否被某些亚专业所需的流程和协议所吸引, 还是说,做一个几乎看不见的切口所需的艺术技巧听起来更吸引人? 

核心价值观是你最优先考虑的事情,是你深信不疑的信念,是你所坚持的核心. 价值观没有好坏之分,只有你觉得对的价值观. 阐明这些可以帮助你根据你的基本驱动力做出决定.


场 & 研究经验

技能的发展不仅仅是通过必修课程和实习, 但也通过课堂外的参与和实习项目来重视追求这些经历的候选人. 事实上,你的医学生表现评估(MSPE)的一部分围绕着它. “值得注意的特征”部分是你提请注意与研究相关的活动的机会, 团队合作, 领导, 服务, and/or teaching/curriculum development. Suggested resources for finding quality experience include:


Networking and Professionalism

人际关系对于你的职业发展和你的实习/求职都是至关重要的一部分, but don't let the word scare you away; it's 真的 about developing friendly, 与同事和其他专业人士建立互惠互利的关系. 就像你可能会找一个对管道很了解的朋友或家人来帮你修理漏水的水龙头一样, 你会向工作场所的其他专家求助,他们可以提供洞察力和支持——就像你会为他们做的那样.

Your network can help you with your career planning in many ways; from providing information about specialties, to connecting you with their own contacts, to supporting you through your application process, to helping you learn about specific residency programs. 从朋友开始, 家庭, 家人的朋友, 朋友的家庭, 同学们, 教师, 校长, 然后从那里扩展. 的 resources below are great for building your network:

  • LinkedIn: A widely used professional tool, LinkedIn可以帮助你联系与你的职业目标一致的人和团体. Search for other SUNY 澳门银河平台 students, 教师 and staff; Connect with alumni from 澳门银河平台 and your undergraduate alma mater; join groups related to your areas of interest; Identify residents and other employees who work at facilities of interest and conduct informational interviewing; and more!
  • 专业协会 


Writing a resume/CV is a lot like creating a brochure; you’re the product and you need to showcase your best and most relevant features. If you went to Best Buy to purchase a phone, 他们会做研究, ask you questions like why you’re replacing the one you have, 你在找什么, what you like and don’t like. 他们不会试图卖给你一台冰箱或电视机,因为他们也卖这些东西. 你需要以同样的方式处理你的整个搜索过程. 仅仅因为某样东西在你的商店里,并不意味着你需要卖掉它! 做好调查! What is important in your desired specialty area? 你如何有效地向“客户”突出你的独特之处?? 卖给他们一部手机和一些与手机相关的东西,而不是冰箱和电视. 

简历和简历是类似的文件,但并不完全相同. 一份医学简历将几乎完全专注于与医学直接相关的经历和对医学重要的事情. 一份简历可以有很多页长,而且经常包括研究等内容, publications and presentations. 一份简历, while potentially also including these things, 限于两页,可以包括与医学相关的其他经历. 学生的文件与简历更接近的情况并不罕见, 因为他们还没有足够的经验来制作一份完整的简历. 

请随意使用它 Word document resume/CV template if formatting is not your thing. 

的re's also this great list of Bloom's Taxonomy action verbs that would be excellent to begin some of your bullets with!

Residency Application Essay

申请论文/个人陈述是您的居留申请的许多重要组成部分之一. It will need to answer three questions:

  1. 你是谁??
  2. 为什么 did you choose your specialty?
  3. 为什么 are you a great candidate for a residency in that specialty?

的 SUNY 澳门银河平台 website has some very useful tips for writing a personal statement, so be sure to read through the advice provided. 

被卡住了? 这并不罕见. 许多学生会评论说他们的写作看起来冷淡而勉强. 一个很好的建议是,在你的初稿中不要拘谨. 而不是, write an essay about why you 真的, 真的, 真的很想成为一名医生,在某个专业领域工作是多么棒啊. 当你使用这种语言时,不可能是正式的,你会得到一些“为什么你”的真正原因?以及“为什么选择这个专业??" THEN take the ridiculous language out.

Interviewing for Residency